Steel City Painting Services Estimator

Please read the below two paragraphs and answer the Yes/No questions.
Then Click on the “Continue to Estimator” Button.

The cost that Estimator displays is based on figures you have entered and in no way constitutes a bid from Steel City Painting Services, Inc. Steel City Painting Services, Inc will not be held responsible for bids that may not be the same or close to the budget cost that this Estimator calculated.

Steel City Painting Services Estimator
Please read the below two paragraphs and answer the Yes/No questions. Then Click on the "Continue to Estimator" Button.
Disclaimer The cost that Estimator displays is based on figures you have entered and in no way constitutes a bid from Steel City Painting Services, Inc. Steel City Painting Services, Inc will not be held responsible for bids that may not be the same or close to the budget cost that this Estimator calculated.
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Copyright Notice
The use of the Estimator outside of Steel City Painting Services, Inc. Web Site is strictly prohibited without the written permission of Steel City Painting Services, Inc.© 2004 Steel City Painting Services, Inc.
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Steel City Painting Services Estimator Our goal for this program is to help you obtain a budget cost for your project. With feedback from you, we can expand this program to include any number of items. Send feedback to Thank You. To use our Estimator, Please enter the Labor Rate, Type of Room, Select what you would like painted, the number of coats and the Click on the 'Get Estimate' button.
General Information
Labor Rate: per hour
All taxes and insurance will be added to this figure and will be included in the final estimate. Type of Room Painting:  
Walls (To get Square Feet of Rooms: S.F. = Lineal Feet of Walls X Height) Total S.F. of All Rooms to be Painted= Number of Coats=
Wallcovering & Sizing (Based on Standard Vinyl Backed Material) Total S.F. of Walls= Wallcovering Material Cost Per Yard=
Base/Trim   Base/Trim = (Linear Feet of Base/Trim) Total L.F. of Base/Trim to be Painted= Number of Coats=
Ceilings (To get Square Feet of Ceilings: S.F. = Room Length X Room Width) Total S.F. of All Drywall/Painted Ceilings to be Painted= Number of Coats=
Doors Door Type: Flat Six Panel Number of Doors to be Painted= Number of Coats=
Door Frames Number of Door Frames to be Painted= Number of Coats=
Materials are estimated @ 15.00 Per Gallon.
  Steel City Painting Services Estimator Your Estimate is as follows:
Estimate with Labor Rate @ $#form.labor_rate# Type of Rooms: New Construction Existing With Furniture Existing Without Furniture  
Walls Total Square Feet to be Painted: #Evaluate(form.total_sf_wall*form.total_coats_wall)# (#form.total_sf_wall# S.F.  X  #form.total_coats_wall# Coats)
Wallcovering & Sizing Total S.F. of Walls: #form.total_sf_wallcover# Wallcovering Material Cost Per Yard: $#form.total_cost_wallcover#
Base/Trim Total Linear Feet to be Painted: #evaluate(form.total_lf_base*form.total_coats_base)# (#form.total_lf_base# L.F.  X  #form.total_coats_base# Coats)
Ceilings Total Square Feet to be Painted: #evaluate(form.total_sf_ceil*form.total_coats_ceil)# (#form.total_sf_ceil# S.F.  X  #form.total_coats_ceil# Coats)
Doors Door Type: #doortype# Total Doors to be Painted: #form.total_door# With #form.total_coats_door# Coats
Door Frames Total Door Frames to be Painted: #form.total_door_frm# With #form.total_coats_door_frm# Coats
Total Estimate with Materials is $#numberformat(all_labor,99999999.99)#
NOTE: Due to the various surface conditions encountered prior to painting, the above figure does not have any surface prep labor included.
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